Slow down, explore, and be.
“We can sense the world around us only because we are entirely part of the world.”
Our Mission: To create and maintain trails in Waldo County where we can slow down and experience our place in nature.
Our Vision: A world that is more peaceful, appreciative, and connected to nature.

Download maps to your phone or print detailed section maps from our interactive map page.
Hiking and snowshoeing are the activities best suited for the footpath. Camping information is available here.
The 47-mile Hills to Sea Trail is open from January 1 until late September except for a 2-mile section in Montville.
A window to wildness
A dedicated community
We welcome your photos, nature notes, writings and more

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Hills to Sea Trail Blog
In addition to updates, our blog contains more in-depth information on trail etiquette, trip planning, ways to volunteer, trail and association history, and more. User submissions for this blog are welcome.
Nature Journaling Workshop
June 25 10:00-2:00
Join naturalist Cloe Chunn for a nature writing and drawing outing on the Hills to Sea Trail. Come draw the wild friends and places that you love, plants, animals, scenes, whoever and whatever touches you deeply. Some guided writing and drawing experiences will be followed by time to observe, think, write, and draw.
Be prepared to hike one half mile in on the trail. Bring water, lunch, a journal of unlined paper, colored pencils, a lead pencil, a black pen. Bring extra water if you bring watercolors. Used bubble-wrap mailers make great insulated sit-upons. Cloe is a master naturalist and has been an environmental educator for decades.
Meet at 10:00 am at the Hills to Sea Trail crossing on the East Waldo Road in Waldo. To get there from Belfast, take High Street going north out of town towards. From the Rt. 1 overpass, go about 3 miles. Just before you get to the train station, the road forks. Take the left fork onto East Waldo Road, drive to the top of the hill, and park roadside at the CMP substation. For more information contact Cloe Chunn at 338-1147 No rain date.